"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

May 25, 2008

Porto - Where the Port in Portugal comes from

Porto, Portugal May 22-23, 2008
Hello All, I finally got a chance to write. Thank you for waiting. It seems that Portugal is high tech..BUT they also donÂșt make the Internet easily available. I arrived Thursday, to a special Catholic Holiday, everything closed! Then the hostel where I was staying had Internet problems..on and on.
So I have been touring, and enjoying this amazing country..without trip reports! Gee I retired from that I thought anyway.

My arrival city was Porto, Portugal where I arrived on Thursday, 22 May. Porto is where the "Port" in Portugal came from, originally the name came from the Romans. It is the home of famous Port wine.Porto is a beautiful port city, right on the Douro river, a wide river that flows from Eastern Portugal thru some beautiful wine country. Porto is at the bend of the river and offers a picturesque city high above the river. I really got to enjoy this city. The old part of the city is a World Heritage Site. Wandering thru the narrow cobble-stoned streets, checking out little cafes, and small shops was fascinating. A steel bridge spans the city that was designed by renowned Eiffel. Some pictures of the town follow.

I went across the river to visit the Port Lodge where Port wine is made and tested. The tour was great, tried the infamous Port wine. A picture of the old port boats that moved the barrels of port up the river is shown here (I hope !)

I closed my two day visit here with an evening at Fado (Fah-Doo) This is a Portuguese form of the blues, a woman or man dressed in black, with a quitar chants beautiful songs of lost loves, death or probably bad luck at gambling. Portugal is amazing. I
I´m heading south by train to the little city of Coimbra, will chat with you then.