"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

October 25, 2014

Cottage Industry in the Alley Homes of Varanasi

Our guide Jai led us through the alleys of the city of Varanasi to get a glimpse of inner city life. He pointed out how the Hindu and Muslim people mixed and got along well despite their deep religious differences. The children welcomed this band of strangers in their backyard, they welcomed pictures and wanted pictures of us. They would laugh loudly when we showed the their images in the pictures we took. We observed an alley cricket game and the happiness and joy of their life in these narrow alleys. 

As we walked Jai said "listen" ... By every opening to a home you could hear machinery running - these were motor driven looms cranking out beautiful designs in silk fabric. Bed spreads, shawls, women's saris were all being made here in various colors and shapes. In a typical home you could see a motorcycle pulled back in the back and hear the hum of a spinning loom. I could tell by looking at the machinery that most were very old, made in the early 1900's

This is the real inner city Indian life