"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

June 4, 2005

Dubrovnik - Emerald of the Adriatic

Hi All, Mon May 30, 2005

Flew from Zagreb to Dubrovnik on Monday, wow what a terrific city. Unbelievable
history, coblestone..no, large carved stone streets, narrow alley ways, I mean
really narrow as in 8 feet wide. Incredible old city with a protective wall
around and entry gates. Dubrovnik maintained its independence over many years,
then Napolean invaded..and in late 20th century it became part of Croatia.
Amazing place, tech difficulties in uploading pictures, few sites have the
capability or I would show you.

Went to a concert, 30 piece symphony orchestra, Beethoven and Mozart. Inside a
high ceilinged 100 by 100 foot room, the Rectors hall, with Renaisannce
columns, etc. Audience right next to the symphony orchestra. Wonderful
experience, the European musicians are incredibly good.

I stayed in an old home or flat right in the old city. Places are difficult to
get there, but I snagged one.

Had a great fish dinner. Down here fish swim three times, once in the ocean,
once in the olive oil, and once in the wine in your mouth. :)

Off to the Islands off southern Croatia for the rest of the week. First to
Korcula for two days then Hvar for two days.

Observations so far in Croatia:

1. Lots of wild cats all over the citys
2. People are wonderful, very family oriented. Stores close early and start late
just to accomodate family life. What a concept.
3. No breakfasts around, glad there are markets.
4. Many speak excellent English, kids 10 years old have had 6 years of english
5. Lowest crime rate in Europe.
6. Very few American Tourists here.
7. At a restaurant, you own the table. You never get they check unless you ask.

See you on the islands, in a few days

Yours in travel,
