"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

June 3, 2006

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Hi All,
Just a short note to say hi from Guayaquil. This is my stopping point on the way
to the Galapagos. I couldn{t book straight thru, I think that is a planned thing
to get you to stay here an spend some dollars

Yes DOLLARS. The official currency is US Dollars. The coins are different but
the same denominations.

The city is MUCH different than the large Peruvian cities. Its a business and
agricultural center here. Very European feel. All the buildings are finished (
no rebar sticking up from the tops of the roofs!!) Nice highways, well marked
roads. But still very crazy driving. wow If you had to commute an hour a day
here, you'd be a wreck by the time you got to work. Weaving in and out, lots of
horns, like the old Magic Mountain ride at Disneyland.

Very high tech here. This hotel is full Wi-Fi. Lots of cell phones, here not
that evident in Cuzco. Where Bill Gates made a campaign to push the technology
worldwide or the people PULLED it to them, not sure..in any event its all over.
This year, you can get CD's made for downloading your camera memory card
everywhere. That was non-existant 2 years ago on my other trip. Technology
catches on fast all over the world. I get the feeling we (USA) are only one
player in all this, not the big high tech country we might feel we are. This is
truly a global community.

The people are very nice here and accomodating. One interesting thing is a lot
of the business women in the city wear uniforms! I think its all the city
employees, they all have the same (neat and attractive) uniforms! Will try to
get pictures. And hotels are first class. There aren't many small restaurants
or small hostels or hotels, since this is a very business city.

In 2000, they improved the river walkway, called the Malecon. It is a long, very wide all brick river walkway. With a large, garden in the center and an IMAX movie theatre and museum. A nice place to stroll.
Time is up have to go !

Will write from the Galapagos

yours in Travel


June 1, 2006

River Tambopata, Tributary on the Amazon

Hi Again May 29, 2006

Well I spent 4 days and 3 nights in the Amazon Basin of Peru. Nearly 60% of Peru
is Rain forest in the Amazon Basin! Peru has more different climate zones than
any other country in the world.

The weather was not that bad, a bit humid, but tolerable. But the
mosquitoes...wow. Well glad I brought some Deet, only thing that works. But my
guide used a "natural" product with citronella in it..seems to work. I think
the mosquitoes like gringos no matter what you use.

But this is an amazing place. I took a two hour boat ride down the Tambopata
river, a feeder tributary to the Amazon. The lodge I stayed in was very new,
and well laid out. The emphasis is eco- tourism and fitting in the forest in a
natural way. No windows, your main wall is open to the forest. Several hammocks
swing from the second floor of the huge high ceiling Palapa design
structure.And of course, a mosquitoe net for the bed.

Great place, no hot showers, but a cold shower is refreshing here. Also NO
lighting, everything lit by oil lanterns and candles. Took a bit to get used
to, but after you do, its wonderful. Electricity provided a few hours at night
by generator, but no lighting. And the doors to the rooms are pull curtains,
bamboo walls, and first class, modern bathroom fixtures and toilet. Quite a

I took several walks thru the forest with my guide, bird watching, monkey
hunting and one evening we went out looking for Caimans, (Amazon crockadiles)
We spotted 6 of them. You put a bright spotlight out on the water at night and
catch their Red eye (white eyes are birds)..then you close in on them until
they slide off into the water. Reminds me of shark hunting back home.

Well had to leave today, after 4 great days in the Amazon, and 40 Mosquito bite
welts, I'm back here in Cuzco.

Off to Guayaquil, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. I'll report back from there
in a few days.

Yours in Travel


Four Scarlet Macaws in the Tree - Zoom in, can you find them?

My Accomodations in the Jungle - Somebody Has to do it

Cruise Down The Amazon for a few Hours, - Near Puerto Maldonado

A Llama Checking out Machu Picchu, Peru

originally uploaded by Bill Wilson.

The Inca Trail and finally the Amazing Machu Picchu

Hi all, 1 June 2006
Sorry for the long time since my last blog. There was just not enough time in
between getting back from the 4 day Inca Trail trip and moving on to the Amazon
to get on the Net and write.
What a amazing week, I don't know where to start.

On May 25th, I started the 4 day Inca Trail Trek, ending in a sunrise approach
to the incredible Inca Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. The trail was about 60km,
done in 4 days. Just a light day pack, because the porters do everything. They
are amazing, they each carry over 52 pounds, with sandles made from tires, and
hustle ahead of you. The camp is set when you get there. We had a small group
of 4 of us and a terrific guide. I did pretty well, the toughest day was
coming down 3000 feet of stone steps! and they don't use switchbacks here, its
all steep.

The "Inca Trail" that is walked today, is only a very small part of a huge
network of trails the Incas created back in 1400. There was over 40,000 Km of
trails from Columbia in the north all the way down to Bolivia in the South.

But then the morning sunrise in Machu Picchu on the last day. It was spiritual.
Amazing place. The stone structures, with edges fitting so tight, you can't
put your fingernail in the gap between huge stones..and no morter. And
accoustics that astound you. Echo accoustics that allow one to hear someone
else whisper 100 m away. And large stones carved with astronomical
significance. It was all mind boggling and a wonderful experience.
Many more stories to tell. On Monday the 29th I left for the Amazon. I'll
report that next.

Yours in Travel

The Incredible Inca Sanctuary - Machu Picchu

On The Inca Trail - 2

On The Inca Trail - 2
On The Inca Trail - 2,
originally uploaded by Bill Wilson.

On The Inca Trail - 1

On The Inca Trail - 1
On The Inca Trail - 1,
originally uploaded by Bill Wilson.