"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

June 1, 2006

River Tambopata, Tributary on the Amazon

Hi Again May 29, 2006

Well I spent 4 days and 3 nights in the Amazon Basin of Peru. Nearly 60% of Peru
is Rain forest in the Amazon Basin! Peru has more different climate zones than
any other country in the world.

The weather was not that bad, a bit humid, but tolerable. But the
mosquitoes...wow. Well glad I brought some Deet, only thing that works. But my
guide used a "natural" product with citronella in it..seems to work. I think
the mosquitoes like gringos no matter what you use.

But this is an amazing place. I took a two hour boat ride down the Tambopata
river, a feeder tributary to the Amazon. The lodge I stayed in was very new,
and well laid out. The emphasis is eco- tourism and fitting in the forest in a
natural way. No windows, your main wall is open to the forest. Several hammocks
swing from the second floor of the huge high ceiling Palapa design
structure.And of course, a mosquitoe net for the bed.

Great place, no hot showers, but a cold shower is refreshing here. Also NO
lighting, everything lit by oil lanterns and candles. Took a bit to get used
to, but after you do, its wonderful. Electricity provided a few hours at night
by generator, but no lighting. And the doors to the rooms are pull curtains,
bamboo walls, and first class, modern bathroom fixtures and toilet. Quite a

I took several walks thru the forest with my guide, bird watching, monkey
hunting and one evening we went out looking for Caimans, (Amazon crockadiles)
We spotted 6 of them. You put a bright spotlight out on the water at night and
catch their Red eye (white eyes are birds)..then you close in on them until
they slide off into the water. Reminds me of shark hunting back home.

Well had to leave today, after 4 great days in the Amazon, and 40 Mosquito bite
welts, I'm back here in Cuzco.

Off to Guayaquil, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. I'll report back from there
in a few days.

Yours in Travel
