"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

May 18, 2006

Arequipa - The White City

Arequipa - The White City
Arequipa - The White City,
originally uploaded by Bill Wilson.
Hi all,

Well I'm in Arequipa, southern Peru. Flight from Lima was excellent. LANPeru a

very good airline, service, and all. Like our old USA lines were a few years


Beautiful new airport in Lima where I left, only 2 years old. I went out and

talked to a group of taxi drivers in spanglish... the airport was built by the

Germans in partnership with the Peruvians. The Peruvians dont like this but

knew they needed it. They are now trying to make these major infrastructure

improvements themselves.

Arequipa is a beautiful city. They call it the white city, because it was built

from a whiteish block called sillar which comes from the volcanoes in the area.

Its impressive block work and gives the city a grey-white look.

The city was added to the UNESCO world heritage sites in 2000. The center of the

world heritage cultural awarding was the convent of Santa Cantalina. This large

walled (in sillar block) convent was hidden away from the world for 400 years

and was just opened up to the public in 1970 (couldn't find out why..think it

was for revenues). It was beautiful inside, individual cubicles with sleeping

quarters, cooking facilities, and reverent prayer and devotional sites. Gardens

and courtyards were scattered throughout.

It was amazing to read about the 'mystic' path or process a new nun had to go

through to become a devout, experienced nun. It was a beautiful place with

amazing architecture.

The picture attached (if it works) is of the plaza de armas (the center town

square) in Arequipa. I also will try to attach a picture from inside the


Just finished a fantastic Peruvian dinner, complete with native music (Andes

flute, guitar, and drums). The musicians walked the restaurant and played. And

of course, hit me up for a CD on the way out the door...couldn't resist, I got

it..only $7

The meals in the highland area consist of sliced meats (Alpaca), camarones

(crayfish), potatoes, corn. If you pick the right restaurant, you get a good

example of 'typical' food. Its delicious. I already like the Peruvian food.

Tomorrow a city tour, around 4 hours circling the outskirts of the city. Hope to

see more of the area.

The people are beautiful, they are very polite and accomodating. Even the

'touts' or street vendors are polite. They press you hard..then if you don't

buy they all say 'Maybe later!...

Thats all for now. I'll be flying out Saturday morning on to the city of Puno

and stay at the famous lake Titicaca. See you there soon!
